Learn to Make Money Investing

Discover practical strategies to set goals, invest in stocks, and build wealthā€”even if youā€™re just getting started!

Join the Challenge

Here's What You'll Learn

By taking this challenge, you'll learn everything you need to make money with investing. From setting clear investment goals, creating a plan for your portfolio, researching companies and more.

The monthly challenge is a membership program designed to help you.

  • Set clear goals and stay consistent with them
  • Gain insights into how the Stock Market works and how you can make money from it
  • Understand how to select companies for your portfolio based on your goals
  • Learn from a community of investors just like you
  • Have a plan for your retirement


The challenge is ongoing, that means at whatever point you join you can start learning instantly. This also means you can catch up by watching past videos so you don't miss the impactful strategies to build wealth.

Our challenge members get discounts on all our other services like coaching and consultations. Another added benefit of being a member.

Learn to Make Money Investing

This challenge is for anyone looking to make money investing in the Stock Market. One of the best investments you'll ever make!


$50 USD


Monthly Calls

Access to Challenge Community

Access to Monthly Recordings

Access to Resources



$497 USD


Monthly Calls

Access to Challenge Community

Access to Monthly Recordings

Access to Resources

1:1 Consultation



"This challenge has helped me to set in motion plans I had in mind in such a structured way that I probably would not have done. "

Indra T.
Challenge Member

"Having started with LGI late last year, I am at a way better position to make more educated decisions and protect and increase my wealth with the various strategies shared here."

Candice Edwards
Challenge Member

"Honestly, before the challenge I was just 'playing' at investing. Now I'm more focused, armed with the knowledge."

Antonia Thompson
5 Day Challenge Participant

"Investing has always been something I wanted to do but I have always been timid. My perspective has changed. My perspective on investment and my own ability to do so has changed."

Sosheina Whyte
5 Day Challenge Participant

Join our Monthly Investment Challenge

The challenge is designed to help you Invest with Confidence. Learn about setting goals, investing with a clear strategy and tactics to maximize your income with dividends.


50% Complete

Two Step

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